Package 'detourr'

Title: Portable and Performant Tour Animations
Description: Provides 2D and 3D tour animations as HTML widgets. The user can interact with the widgets using orbit controls, tooltips, brushing, and timeline controls. Linked brushing is supported using 'crosstalk', and widgets can be embedded in Shiny apps or HTML documents.
Authors: Casper Hart [aut, cre], Earo Wang [aut, ths]
Maintainer: Casper Hart <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-02-25 02:45:13 UTC

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Initiate a detour visualisation


This function initialises a detour object which, along with the tour_path and show_functions is used to build a detour visualisation.


detour(.data, mapping)



a data frame, tibble, or crosstalk::SharedData object


a mapping of data columns to aesthetic values using the tour_aes function. The only required aesthetic is projection, which determines which columns are used to generate the tour path and supports tidy selection.


A detour object containing information about the tour path and its parameters


detour(tourr::flea, tour_aes(projection = -species, colour = species)) |>
  tour_path(grand_tour(3), fps = 60) |>
  show_scatter(alpha = 0.7, axes = FALSE)

Shiny bindings for detourr


Output and render functions for using detourr with shiny. The output function used must match both the display method and tour dim used, or it will lead to strange behavour.


displayScatter3dOutput(output_id, width = "100%", height = "400px")

displayScatter2dOutput(output_id, width = "100%", height = "400px")

shinyRenderDisplayScatter2d(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)

shinyRenderDisplayScatter3d(expr, env = parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE)



output variable to read from

width, height

Must be a valid CSS unit (like "100%", "400px", "auto") or a number, which will be coerced to a string and have "px" appended.


an expression that generates a detourr widget


The environment in which to evaluate expr.


Is expr a quoted expression (with quote())? This is useful if you want to save an expression in a variable.


An output or render function that enables the use of the widget within shiny applications

Test for detour-ness


Test for detour-ness





an object



Embeddings of images in the MNIST test set


Two datasets are available; mnist_embeddings_8d contains 8-dimensional embedding vectors and mnist_embeddings_32d contains 32-dimensional embedding vectors.

The neural network that produced these embeddings was created using TensorFlow (Abadi et al. (2016)) with a variation of the code found in this example:





An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 10000 rows and 34 columns.

An object of class tbl_df (inherits from tbl, data.frame) with 10000 rows and 10 columns.


A data frame with 10,000 rows and p variables:

  • id: sequential ID or row number of the image

  • label: the digit 0, 1, ..., 9

  • X1–Xp: elements 1–p of the embedding vector


LeCun, Y (1998). The MNIST database of handwritten digits.

Abadi, M, P Barham, J Chen, Z Chen, A Davis, J Dean, M Devin, S Ghemawat, G Irving, M Isard, et al. (2016). TensorFlow: A System for Large-Scale Machine Learning. In: 12th USENIX symposium on operating systems design and implementation (OSDI 16), pp.265–283.

2D and 3D Sage Tour Display


An implementation of the Sage Tour described in Laa et al., 2021. It uses a radial transformation on the projected data so that the relative volume is preserved when the data is projected. I.e. a uniform distribution in the original space will remain uniformly distributed in the projected space. Includes both 2D and 3D variations.


  palette = viridis,
  center = TRUE,
  axes = TRUE,
  edges = NULL,
  paused = TRUE,
  scale_factor = NULL,
  gamma = 1,
  R = NULL



a detour object


used to support aesthetic parameters for the plot, including

  • size: point size, defaults to 1

  • alpha: point opacity, defaults to 1

  • background_colour: defaults to "white"


Colour palette to use with the colour aesthetic. Can be:

  • A character vector of R colours. This should match the number of levels of the colour aesthetic, or the number of bins to use for continuous colours.

  • A function which takes the number of colours to use as input and returns a character vector of colour names and / or hex values as output.


If TRUE, center the projected data to (0, 0, 0).


Can be one of:

  • TRUE draw axes and use column names for axis labels

  • FALSE do not draw axes or labels

  • NULL draw axes with no labels

  • An unnamed vector of labels with the same length as cols

  • A named vector in the form c("h" = "head"), where head is renamed to h


A two column numeric matrix giving indices of ends of lines.


whether the widget should be initialised in the 'paused' state


used as a multiplier for the point coordinates so they are displayed on a sensible range. Defaults to the reciprocal of maximum distance from a point to the origin.


the gamma parameter for scaling the effective dimensionality for the sage tour radial transformation. defaults to 1


scale for the radial transformation. Defaults to scale_factor times the maximum distance from the origin to each row of data. If the default scale_factor is used this will result in R=1. Because the R and scale_factor parameters interact with one another, it is recommended to leave scale_factor at its default value, and modify R if needed.


This display method produces an interactive scatterplot animation which supports both 2D and 3D tours. Linked selection and filtering is also supported using crosstalk. The set of interactive controls available are:

  • A timeline with a play / pause button and indicators at the position of each basis used. The basis indicators can be hovered with the mouse to show the index of the basis, or clicked to jump to that basis. The timeline also allows for clicking and dragging of the scrubber to move to any individual frame of the animation.

  • Orbit controls. For the 2D variant, this allows the projection to be rotated by clicking and dragging from left to right. For the 3D variant, full orbit controls are available by clicking and dragging. For both orbit and pan controls, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom.

  • Pan controls, which work similarly to orbit controls but move the camera laterally / vertically rather than rotating

  • Resetting of the orbit and pan controls

  • Selection and highlighting. Multiple selection is possible by using the shift key

  • Colouring / brushing of highlighted points


An object of class htmlwidget


Laa, U., Cook, D., & Lee, S. (2021). Burning sage: Reversing the curse of dimensionality in the visualization of high-dimensional data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 1-10.

See Also



detour(tourr::flea, tour_aes(projection = -species, colour = species)) |>
  tour_path(grand_tour(3), fps = 60) |>
  show_sage(gamma = 2)

2D and 3D Scatter Plot Display for Tours


Display method for a high performance 2D or 3D scatter plot. Performance is achieved through the use of Three.js / WebGL, and the 2D or 3D variant is selected automatically based on the tour generator provided.


  palette = viridis,
  center = TRUE,
  axes = TRUE,
  edges = NULL,
  paused = TRUE,
  scale_factor = NULL



a detour object


used to support aesthetic parameters for the plot, including

  • size: point size, defaults to 1

  • alpha: point opacity, defaults to 1

  • background_colour: defaults to "white"


Colour palette to use with the colour aesthetic. Can be:

  • A character vector of R colours. This should match the number of levels of the colour aesthetic, or the number of bins to use for continuous colours.

  • A function which takes the number of colours to use as input and returns a character vector of colour names and / or hex values as output.


If TRUE, center the projected data to (0, 0, 0).


Can be one of:

  • TRUE draw axes and use column names for axis labels

  • FALSE do not draw axes or labels

  • NULL draw axes with no labels

  • An unnamed vector of labels with the same length as cols

  • A named vector in the form c("h" = "head"), where head is renamed to h


A two column numeric matrix giving indices of ends of lines.


whether the widget should be initialised in the 'paused' state


used as a multiplier for the point coordinates so they are displayed on a sensible range. Defaults to the reciprocal of maximum distance from a point to the origin.


This display method produces an interactive scatterplot animation which supports both 2D and 3D tours. Linked selection and filtering is also supported using crosstalk. The set of interactive controls available are:

  • A timeline with a play / pause button and indicators at the position of each basis used. The basis indicators can be hovered with the mouse to show the index of the basis, or clicked to jump to that basis. The timeline also allows for clicking and dragging of the scrubber to move to any individual frame of the animation.

  • Orbit controls. For the 2D variant, this allows the projection to be rotated by clicking and dragging from left to right. For the 3D variant, full orbit controls are available by clicking and dragging. For both orbit and pan controls, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom.

  • Pan controls, which work similarly to orbit controls but move the camera laterally / vertically rather than rotating

  • Resetting of the orbit and pan controls

  • Selection and highlighting. Multiple selection is possible by using the shift key

  • Colouring / brushing of highlighted points


An object of class htmlwidget


detour(tourr::flea, tour_aes(projection = -species, colour = species)) |>
  tour_path(grand_tour(3), fps = 60) |>
  show_scatter(alpha = 0.7, axes = FALSE)

Internal method for 2D and 3D Scatter Plot Display


Internal method for 2D and 3D Scatter Plot Display


  palette = viridisLite::viridis,
  center = TRUE,
  axes = TRUE,
  edges = NULL,
  paused = TRUE,
  scale_factor = NULL



a detour object


used to support aesthetic parameters for the plot, including

  • size: point size, defaults to 1

  • alpha: point opacity, defaults to 1

  • background_colour: defaults to "white"


Colour palette to use with the colour aesthetic. Can be:

  • A character vector of R colours. This should match the number of levels of the colour aesthetic, or the number of bins to use for continuous colours.

  • A function which takes the number of colours to use as input and returns a character vector of colour names and / or hex values as output.


If TRUE, center the projected data to (0, 0, 0).


Can be one of:

  • TRUE draw axes and use column names for axis labels

  • FALSE do not draw axes or labels

  • NULL draw axes with no labels

  • An unnamed vector of labels with the same length as cols

  • A named vector in the form c("h" = "head"), where head is renamed to h


A two column numeric matrix giving indices of ends of lines.


whether the widget should be initialised in the 'paused' state


used as a multiplier for the point coordinates so they are displayed on a sensible range. Defaults to the reciprocal of maximum distance from a point to the origin.


This display method produces an interactive scatterplot animation which supports both 2D and 3D tours. Linked selection and filtering is also supported using crosstalk. The set of interactive controls available are:

  • A timeline with a play / pause button and indicators at the position of each basis used. The basis indicators can be hovered with the mouse to show the index of the basis, or clicked to jump to that basis. The timeline also allows for clicking and dragging of the scrubber to move to any individual frame of the animation.

  • Orbit controls. For the 2D variant, this allows the projection to be rotated by clicking and dragging from left to right. For the 3D variant, full orbit controls are available by clicking and dragging. For both orbit and pan controls, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom.

  • Pan controls, which work similarly to orbit controls but move the camera laterally / vertically rather than rotating

  • Resetting of the orbit and pan controls

  • Selection and highlighting. Multiple selection is possible by using the shift key

  • Colouring / brushing of highlighted points


An object of class htmlwidget

2D and 3D Slice Display for Tours


An implementation of the Slice Tour described in Laa et al., 2020. Points close to the projection plane are highlighted, and those far away are faded out.


  palette = viridis,
  center = TRUE,
  axes = TRUE,
  edges = NULL,
  paused = TRUE,
  scale_factor = NULL,
  slice_relative_volume = 0.1,
  anchor = NULL



a detour object


used to support aesthetic parameters for the plot, including

  • size: point size, defaults to 1

  • alpha: point opacity, defaults to 1

  • background_colour: defaults to "white"


Colour palette to use with the colour aesthetic. Can be:

  • A character vector of R colours. This should match the number of levels of the colour aesthetic, or the number of bins to use for continuous colours.

  • A function which takes the number of colours to use as input and returns a character vector of colour names and / or hex values as output.


If TRUE, center the projected data to (0, 0, 0).


Can be one of:

  • TRUE draw axes and use column names for axis labels

  • FALSE do not draw axes or labels

  • NULL draw axes with no labels

  • An unnamed vector of labels with the same length as cols

  • A named vector in the form c("h" = "head"), where head is renamed to h


A two column numeric matrix giving indices of ends of lines.


whether the widget should be initialised in the 'paused' state


used as a multiplier for the point coordinates so they are displayed on a sensible range. Defaults to the reciprocal of maximum distance from a point to the origin.


number default 0.1. Controls the relative volume of the slice and thus the number of points which are highlighted. This is an approximate value and is only accurate for values << 1


anchor vector of length p to offset the projection plane when calculating the distance from each point to the projection plane.


This display method produces an interactive scatterplot animation which supports both 2D and 3D tours. Linked selection and filtering is also supported using crosstalk. The set of interactive controls available are:

  • A timeline with a play / pause button and indicators at the position of each basis used. The basis indicators can be hovered with the mouse to show the index of the basis, or clicked to jump to that basis. The timeline also allows for clicking and dragging of the scrubber to move to any individual frame of the animation.

  • Orbit controls. For the 2D variant, this allows the projection to be rotated by clicking and dragging from left to right. For the 3D variant, full orbit controls are available by clicking and dragging. For both orbit and pan controls, the scroll wheel can be used to zoom.

  • Pan controls, which work similarly to orbit controls but move the camera laterally / vertically rather than rotating

  • Resetting of the orbit and pan controls

  • Selection and highlighting. Multiple selection is possible by using the shift key

  • Colouring / brushing of highlighted points


An object of class htmlwidget


Laa, U., Cook, D., & Valencia, G. (2020). A slice tour for finding hollowness in high-dimensional data. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 29(3), 681-687.

See Also



x <- geozoo::torus(p = 4, n = 10000)$points |>
  tibble::as_tibble(.name_repair = "unique")

detour(x, tour_aes(projection = everything())) |>
  tour_path(grand_tour(2)) |>
  show_slice(slice_relative_volume = 0.1)

Aesthetic mapping for tours


Aesthetic mapping for tours describing how variables in the data are mapped to visual properties of the tour animation.





list of name-value pairs in the form 'aesthetic = variable'. Variables are evaluated using tidyselect syntax.


a list of quosures


detour(tourr::flea, tour_aes(projection = -species, colour = species)) |>
  tour_path(grand_tour(3), fps = 60) |>
  show_scatter(alpha = 0.7, axes = FALSE)

Generate a tour path for a detour object


This function takes a detour object as an input, and generates a sequence of projection matrices for the tour. The return value is another detour object with the tour path and other metadata attached. This can then be passed to a ⁠show_*⁠#' function to generate the detour visualisation.


  tour_path = grand_tour(2),
  start = NULL,
  aps = 1,
  fps = 30,
  max_bases = 10



a detour object


tour path generator, defaults to 2d grand tour


projection to start at, if not specified, uses default associated with tour path


target angular velocity (in radians per second)


target frames per second


the maximum number of bases to generate


A detour object containing information about the tour path and its parameters